Motor Vehicle Accidents in Oklahoma Communities

An analysis of car accidents in Oklahoma cities and towns indicates there were 54,285 motor vehicle accidents in Oklahoma’s 76 communities of 5,000-plus population last year.
The OK City Crash Facts 2013 report says there were 239 fatal accidents,while 1,501 crashes caused incapacitating injuries and 5,693 caused less-severe injuries. The report also says injuries were “possible” in 9,614 crashes and there was no injury reported in 37,238 crashes.
Let’s take a closer look at crash data from four cities:
Oklahoma City
Of 16,892 crashes in our state capital in 2013, 74 were fatal (resulting in 77 deaths) and 2,095 (12 percent) caused at least one injury (incapacitating or less severe).
The table below shows the times of day when fatal accidents occurred in Oklahoma City.
The report says of all accidents, 1,332 crashes are considered to have been “unsafe speed” crashes. Of these, 24 were fatal and caused a total of 26 deaths, half among passengers. Another 261, or 12.4 percent of all injury crashes, resulted in injuries to 2,770 people.
The report says 672 of the OKC crashes in 2013 were alcohol-related. They involved 1,360 people, 22 of whom died and 250 of whom suffered injuries that were reported to police.
Fatal accidents in Oklahoma City tend to increase around the weekends when more people are out socializing with friends and drinking and driving.
The vast majority of alcohol-related crashes – 452 – occurred on streets within the city limits. More than half of fatalities in all types of crashes – 43 – were also on city streets.
- 180 crashes involved pedestrians and caused 16 deaths.
- 76 crashes involved bicyclists and resulted in 5 deaths.
The table below shows the days of the week when fatal accidents occurred in Tulsa.
Let’s look at the days of the week when all crashes occurred in Edmond. Saturday is a dangerous day for motorists in Edmond.
The alcohol-related crashes were more frequent in Norman in the late-night hours around the time bars are closing.
If you’ve been injured in an car accident caused by another motorist in Oklahoma, speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney at Burch, George & Germany about your legal options.
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