Medical Malpractice Lawyer

People go to the doctor to get better. Sometimes the opposite happens – medical treatment actually makes their condition worse or even results in death. When a bad medical outcome results from substandard care provided by a doctor, nurse, hospital, urgent care center or other health care provider, it could be the basis of a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Medical malpractice – the negligent act or omission by a health care provider – occurs when the treatment provided falls below an accepted standard of practice and causes injury or death. It is estimated that approximately 20,000 medical malpractice lawsuits are filed against doctors, hospitals, medical centers and other licensed health care professionals every year.
If you or a loved one were harmed by medical negligence, you should not be left alone to face mounting medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other losses. An Oklahoma medical malpractice lawyer at Burch, George & Germany, P.C., can help you get the compensation you deserve for injuries caused by medical negligence, medical errors or medical mistakes.
Our Oklahoma City medical malpractice lawyer has the resources to fully investigate what happened during your medical treatment. We have access to a nationwide network of leading medical experts who can review your records and determine what went wrong and who was to blame. We are not afraid to take on the most powerful defendants, including medical malpractice insurance companies.
At Burch, George & Germany, P.C., all of our lawyers and staff members take a personal interest in our injured clients and the grieving families of victims. When we accept a case and the responsibility for a client, he or she deserves our best – and gets it.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you.
Common types of Oklahoma medical malpractice
Misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose and delayed diagnosis. Misdiagnosis comprises a large percentage of medical malpractice claims every year, and includes making an incorrect diagnosis, failing to diagnose or delaying a diagnosis. Regardless of how a misdiagnosis occurs, patients may not receive the proper treatment in time to prevent further serious injury or even death.
Surgical errors. Errors during surgery can arise from carelessness or mistakes made in an operating room, such as operating on the wrong person, performing the wrong operation, operating on the wrong body part, causing damage to other organs or leaving surgical instruments in the body.
Anesthesia errors. Anesthesia errors can have severe or lethal consequences and can occur before or during surgery when, for example, an anesthesiologist fails to:
- Investigate the patient’s medical history for possible pharmaceutical complications.
- Inform the patient of the risks involved if certain preoperative instructions, such as fasting, aren’t followed.
- Administer proper anesthetic dosages.
- Monitor the patient’s vital signs.
Medication errors. Medication errors, whether due to prescription errors or incorrect administration, affect millions of Americans every year. Medication errors can be caused by health care professionals who prescribe the wrong medication, prescribe incorrect dosages of medication (too much or too little), errors by pharmacists in deciphering a doctor’s handwritten prescription, errors by nurses who administer medications or by medical equipment that mechanically and systematically delivers medications without continual supervision.
Childbirth injuries. Birth injuries can occur before or after a child’s physical birth and result in brain injuries (such as cerebral palsy), fractured bones, Erb’s palsy (paralysis of the arm) and Klumpke’s palsy (paralysis of the forearm and hand) and other injuries.
Common prenatal care injuries (those that affect the fetus) can be the result of a health care professional’s failure to:
- Diagnose a pregnant mother’s medical conditions, such as preeclampsia, hypoglycemia, gestational diabetes, anemia or other diseases that could be contagious to the fetus.
- Identify birth defects or signs of an ectopic pregnancy in which the fetus grows outside the womb.
Common birth injuries (those that affect newborns) can be the result of a health care professional’s failure to:
- Anticipate birth complications.
- Order a Caesarian section when necessary.
- Respond to signs of fetal distress.
- Use forceps or vacuum extractors properly.
Recovering compensation through an Oklahoma medical malpractice claim. Get help from medical device attorneys.
Medical malpractice claims can generally be brought against doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists or any other health care professional whose position requires a license. Hospitals, medical centers, clinics, labs and health care facilities can also be defendants.
Every state has its own statute of limitations that requires a medical malpractice lawsuit to be filed within a certain amount of time or the lawsuit will be barred. While Oklahoma law generally requires medical malpractice injury and wrongful death to be filed within two years, the statute of limitations may vary depending upon the type of injury, when the injury was discovered (or should have been discovered), where the case might be filed and many other factors.
Medical malpractice lawsuits involve complex legal and medical issues. The experienced Oklahoma birth injury attorney and medical malpractice attorneys at Burch, George & Germany, P.C., have years of experience, access to well-qualified and highly respected experts to testify on your behalf and an expansive network of nationwide contacts to address even the most specialized areas of medical issues and medical malpractice law.
Got injured from defective medical devices? Speak with an Oklahoma City Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today
If you suffered from injuries caused by Oklahoma City defective medical device, our attorneys can analyze your situation, determine if you might be entitled to compensation and ensure that your case is filed within the appropriate statute of limitations.
All of our cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, which means that we earn a fee only if our clients receive compensation. We also advance all litigation expenses. Most importantly, we have the solid financial resources to insure that we can – and will – do everything it takes to succeed at trial.
Contact us or speak with our Oklahoma City medical malpractice lawyer today to find out how we can help you with your defective product lawsuit or Oklahoma medical malpractice case.
Ready? Call us toll free at 405-239-7711 today.