Burch, George & Germany P.C.


The High Costs of Oklahoma Car Accidents

In the aftermath of a serious car accident, the individuals involved – drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists – may require lengthy hospital stays and ongoing medical treatment. Unfortunately, a serious medical prognosis also has significant financial...

Oklahoma Cracks Top 10 for Nation’s Worst Drivers

It is a dubious distinction that no state wants to claim. Oklahoma ranked among the 10 states with the worst drivers, according to a recent analysis by CarInsuranceComparison.com, a website that allows visitors to compare auto insurance companies. Driving behavior was...

How Does OKC’s Traffic Congestion Rank?

If you’re just in from your daily commute you may not believe it, but Oklahoma City is among the least congested major metropolitan areas in the United States. In fact, OKC comes in at No. 8, ahead of Memphis, Tenn., and Indianapolis, Ind., and just behind Buffalo,...