So you are injured in an accident and you don’t know the steps to take with your insurance provider. Filing an insurance claim can be a daunting task, but it’s an important step in getting the coverage you deserve when unexpected events occur. Here at Burch, George & Germany we want to do everything we can to make this process as easy as possible. We’ll walk you through the steps to file an insurance claim effectively and maximize your chances of a successful outcome.

Step 1: Compile All Important Information: Before starting the claim process, gather all the necessary information related to the incident. This includes policy details, the date and time of the event, descriptions of damages or injuries, and any supporting documents such as photographs, videos, or police reports. The more detailed and accurate your information, the smoother the claims process will be.

Step 2: Contact Your Insurance Provider: Once you have all the information ready, reach out to your insurance provider as soon as possible. Contact their claims department and inform them about the incident. Be prepared to provide the details you collected in Step 1. Remember to document the date, time, and name of the representative you spoke with for future reference. There are resources also listed in the recent blog post –

Step 3: Understand Your Policy Coverage: Review your insurance policy carefully to understand the coverage and limitations related to your claim. This will help you determine if the incident falls within the criteria of your policy. It’s essential to know your deductible, policy limits, and any exclusions that may affect your claim. If you have any doubts, consult your insurance agent or representative to clarify your doubts.

Step 4: Follow the Claim Procedure: Your insurance provider will guide you through the claim procedure. They may assign a claims adjuster who will assess the damages or investigate the incident. Follow their instructions and provide any additional information or documentation they request promptly. Keep copies of all the correspondence and documents related to your claim.

Step 5: Document the Damages: If applicable, document the damages or injuries caused by the incident. Take photographs or videos to provide visual evidence. This documentation will strengthen your claim and help the claims adjuster assess the extent of the loss accurately. If there were any witnesses to the incident, gather their contact information as well.

Step 6: Review the Settlement Offer: After the investigation and assessment, your insurance provider will make a settlement offer based on your policy coverage and the damages incurred. Review the offer carefully and ensure it aligns with your expectations and the terms of your policy. If you believe the offer is insufficient, you can negotiate with your insurance provider or provide additional evidence to support your claim.


Reminders to Consider:

Keep Detailed Records: Throughout the entire claims process, maintain a comprehensive record of all interactions, including phone calls, emails, and written correspondence. Note down the names of the individuals you communicate with, along with the date, time, and key points discussed. These records will help you keep track of your claim and serve as evidence in case of any disputes.

Be Honest and Accurate: When communicating with your insurance provider, always be honest and accurate in your statements. Provide a factual account of the incident without embellishing or downplaying any details. Providing false information can jeopardize your claim and may even lead to the denial of coverage. If you are unsure about something, you can always indicate that instead.

Step 7: Review the Settlement Offer: After the investigation and assessment, your insurance provider will make a settlement offer based on your policy coverage and the damages incurred. Review the offer carefully and ensure it aligns with your expectations and the terms of your policy. If you believe the offer is insufficient, you can negotiate with your insurance provider or provide additional evidence to support your claim.

Filing an insurance claim doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you follow a structured approach. By gathering relevant information, understanding your policy, and following the proper procedure, you can increase the likelihood of a successful claim. Remember to stay organized, be honest in your communications, and keep detailed records to protect your interests. If you encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your insurance agent or reach out to us by clicking here!