When a driver purposely takes their eyes from the road for any non-driving reason, the driver puts others in danger. When harm results, distracted drivers should be held liable for their actions.
An experienced car accident lawyer at Burch, George & Germany, P.C., can assist if you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a distracted driving accident in Oklahoma. Contact us today. We can advise you about your legal rights in a free consultation about your case.
Car accidents Oklahoma are often caused by distracted driving
Distracted driving occurs any time drivers take their eyes off the road, their hands off the wheel and their mind off the task of driving safely. Any non-driving activity is a potential distraction that increases the risk of a car accident.
Cell phones are a primary cause of distracted driving. It is estimated that, at any time of the day, more than 800,000 motor vehicles are being driven by someone using a hand-held cell phone.
Some 16 percent of all distracted driving crashes involve drivers who are younger than 20 years old. This age group has the largest number of drivers who are distracted at the time of a crash.
In Oklahoma, drivers with a learner’s permit or intermediate license are prohibited from texting while driving or using a hand-held cell phone behind the wheel.
But there’s more to distracted driving than using a cell phone. Other common forms of driver distraction include:
- Eating and drinking
- Talking to passengers
- Playing with pets
- Grooming
- Reading, including maps
- Using a GPS navigation system
- Watching a video
- Adjusting a radio, CD player or MP3 player.
A distracted driver can be held liable for the injuries in a car crash caused by his or her negligence. Evidence ranging from cell phone records to fast-food receipts or passengers’ statements can be used to demonstrate that a driver was texting, eating, talking to passengers or otherwise acting irresponsibly behind the wheel.
Our lawyers help victims of texting and driving accidents due to distracted driving Oklahoma
At Burch, George & Germany, P.C., we investigate car accidents on behalf of clients. Our goal is to ensure that our clients are properly compensated for their injuries and other losses.
Because of our preparation, knowledge and experience, we negotiate with insurance companies from a position of strength. We are ready if your case has to go to court.
If you suspect that the driver who caused your car accident was distracted, allow us to fight for you. Call us or fill out our contact form today for a free consultation about how we can pursue a claim on your behalf.
For More Information:
- What is Distracted Driving? Distraction.gov
- Distracted Drivers, Oklahoma Highway Safety Office